Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sejarah Sheikh Yusuf Aldijwi Al Azhari

{Sesungguhnya daku tidak akan mengikut pendapat Ibnu Taimiah sama sekali, (kerana) Sesunggguhnya jika aku sampai kedarjah Mujtahid, maka Aku tidak akan mengikut pendapat sesiapa pun. Sebaliknya jika daku tidak sampai kepangkat mujtahid, maka daku akan bersama-sama mengikuti pendapat majoriti ulamak , aku tidak akan bersama (menyokong mereka yang bertelingkah ) dengan mereka.
(Cara) yang begitu adalah yang lebih cermat dalam beragama. Dan lebih hampir pada sisi Aqli dan Naqli ( pada sudut pandangan ilmu-ilmu akliah dan ilmu-ilmu Syara).} - al allamah al-sheikh Yusuf al-Dijwi al Azhari.
Begitulah bunyi (Kalimah fi salafiah al haadhirah- كلمة فى سلفية الحاضرة) -surat yang dikirim beliau kepada al allamah Muhammad Zahid al Kawthari.
Al Allamah al-Syeikh Yusof al-Dijwi merupakan seorang yang cerdik dan berfikiran tangkas. Beliau mampu menerangkan sesuatu perkara dengan bahasa yang indah dan baik, daya ingatannya kuat dan ilmunya amat luas. Halaqah pengajian yang diadakannya di al Azhar Syarif, dihadiri oleh hampir seribu orang ulama' dan penuntut ilmu. Beliau menyampaikan ucapannya dengan keterangan dan penjelasan yang amat memukau dan menarik perhatian pendengar sehingga mengalir ke dalam diri mereka curahan ilmu yang berkesan. Beliau adalah seorang ahli tafsir, ahli hadith dan ahli falsafah al Azhar. Selain itu, beliau juga seorang pengarang dan khatib al Azhar yang benar-benar hebat di antara ulama' lain yang sezaman dengannya.

Beliau menjadi orang kepercayaan masyarakat Islam di seluruh dunia, menunjukkan pengiktirafan mereka terhadap keluasan ilmunya, ketulusannya dan ketinggian wara'nya. Banyak pertanyaan yang datang dari segenap tempat dan pelusuk dunia yang diajukan kepadanya untuk meminta fatwa.

Beliau juga adalah seorang yang bersifat pemurah dan mulia. Wajahnya akan ceria ketika dapat menyelesaikan hajat-hajat yang dikemukakan kepadanya walau dalam apa jua perkara. Layanan yang diberikannya kepada orang-orang asing tidak ada tolak bandingannya.

Kitab-kitab karangannya menarik perhatian umat Islam dan telah berada di serata pelusuk dunia. Banyak hasil makalahnya yang begitu bermanfaat telah tersebar ke segenap tempat dan masih lagi dimuatkan di dada-dada akhbar dan majalah Bahasa Arab sehingga ke akhir hayatnya. Ini adalah kurniaan Allah yang dianugerahkanNya kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakinya.

Telah berkata Imam Besar Syeikhul Azhar Dr. Abdul Halim Mahmud:

Sesungguhnya kami telah menghadiri majlis pengajian al Marhum al Alim al Kabir al arif billah Fadhilah Syeikh Yusof al Dijwi di Ruwaq Abbasiy di dalam Masjid al Azhar selepas sembahyang Subuh. Pengajian ilmu tafsirnya benar-benar menarik perhatian. Beliau telah menghimpunkan di antara ilmu yang ditimbanya semenjak sekian lama dengan ilmu yang diperolehinya melalui sumber ilham-ilham robbaniyyah. Tetapi sayang, tidak seorang pun yang membukukan pengajian-pengajiannya ini. Sekiranya ilmu yang dicurahkan dalam pengajian itu dibukukan, sudah tentu dapat dimanfaatkan ilmunya dan mutiara-mutiara ilhamnya.

Secubit biodata al- Dijwi

Dilahirkan di Dajwah yang terletak dalam daerah Qalyub Mesir pada tahun 1287 H. Ayahandanya berasal dari Bani Habib, manakala bondanya berketurunan Sayyidina Hasan r.a.
Setelah menghafaz al Quran di kampungnya, beliau dihantar oleh ayahandanya belajar dial Azhar. Beliau menerima ilmu ilmu Islam daripada ulama' al Azhar semenjak tahun 1301H hingga 1317H. Kemudian beliau memasuki peperiksaan darajah al Alimiyyah (sama taraf dengan Phd) pada zaman ini). Beliau telah berjaya dalam peperiksaan tersebut ddengan cemerlang sehingga salah seorang gurunya yang terkenal 'alim di kalangan ulama' Azhar iaitu Syeikh Radhi al Hanafi, datang menziarahi ke rumahnya untuk mengucapkan tahniah di atas kejayaannya.
Di antara guru-gurunya:

1. Syeikh Harun ibn Abdur Raziq al Banjawi (wafat 1335H dalam usia 87 tahun).
2. Syeikh Ahamad al Rifaii al Fayyumi (wafat pada tahun 1326H).
3. Syeikh Muhammad ibn Salim al Tomum (wafat pada tahun 1336H).
4. Syeikh Ahmad Faid al Zurqoni
5. Syeikh Daud al Maliki.
6. Syeikh al Azhar Syeikh Salim al Bisyri.
7. Syeikh Razzaq ibn Saqar al Barqami.
8. Syeikh Muhammad al Buhairi al Syafie
9. Syeikh Atiah al Adawi al Syafie
10. Syeikh Hasan al Jarisi (seorang guru beliau dalam ilmu Qiraat).


Ramai di kalangan murid-murindnya yang menjadi ulama' besar dalam semua bidang ilmu Islam dengan berkat didikannya.

Di antara mereka ialah:

1. Al Muhaddith Syeikh al Islam al Allamah Muhammad Zahid al Kawthari.
2. Mufti Besar Mesir al Muhaddith al Allamah al- Syeikh Hasanain Makhluf.
3. Syeikh al Azhar Imam al Akbar Dr. Abdul Halim Mahmud.
4. Imam Jami' al Azhar al Arif Billah Syeikh Soleh ibn Muhammad al Ja'fari.
5. Al Allamah Syeikh Muhammad Zaki Ibrahim.
6. Al Allamah Syeikh Muhammad al Hafiz al Tijani.


Beliau wafat di antara waktu Maghrib dan Isya' pada malam Rabu 5 Safar tahun 1365H, ketika berusia 78 tahun. Usianya telah dihabiskan dengan melaksanakan amal-amal soleh, menyebarkan ilmu-ilmu yang bermanfaat, berdakwah dengan cara berhikmah dam memberikan pengajaran yang baik serta berjihad pada jalan Allah dengan mata pena dan lisan.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuan Guru Haron Din

Pengalaman Ustaz Haron Din Masuk Dalam Kaabah

Posted on the October 22nd, 2010 under Agama by admin
Saya pernah tawaf di Baitullah seorang diri. Pelik tetapi benar. Waktu itu iaitu empat tahun sudah (2001) saya datang ke Mekah, Allah taala lah yang mengaturkannya, saya dapat peluang untuk masuk ke dalam Kaabah. Sebab saya datang atas tetamu tokey yang membuat dan membersihkan Masjidil Haram.
Pagi itu saya datang awal. Pengawal keselamatan baru memagar keliling Kaabah dan saya dapat masuk ke dalam pagar itu sebab saya ada Pass VIP. Ketika itu tetamu-tetamu lain tak sampai lagi. Ketika itu lah saya tawaf seorang diri di hadapan Kaabah. Lepas saya habis tawaf baru tetamu-tetamu lain sampai. Ketika itulah saya nampak Hajarul Aswad seterang-seterangnya, ia tidak lagi hitam tetapi sudah kemerah-kemerahan.
Bila pintu Kaabah di buka saya orang yang ke tiga masuk ke dalam. Pertama pembuka pintu Kaabah iaitu daripada Bani Syaibah.
Pembuka pintu itu sudah tua, dia melatih anaknya yang berumur lebih kurang empat tahun untuk membuka pintu Kaabah itu.
Sejarah pintu Kaabah itu, kalau orang yang lain tidak boleh buka. Dia hanya boleh di buka oleh pemegang kunci itu sahaja dari keturunan Bani Syaibah. Bila Nabi meninggalkan Mekah kerana berhijrah ke Madinah, Mekah di kuasai oleh Bani Syaibah. Bani Syaibah ini adalah keturunan yang di amanahkan untuk memegang kunci kaabah sejak turun temurun.
Bila nabi balik semula ke Mekah dalam tahun 7 hijiriah, berlaku peperangan pembukaan Mekah, nabi menang dan orang Islam berkuasa ke atas Mekah. Nabi menghantar Sayidina Ali untuk mengambil kunci pintu Kaabah daripada Bani Syaibah. Sayidina Ali pergi ke Bani Syaibah dan rampas kunci tersebut. Bani Syaibah serahkan kunci kepada Sayidina Ali tetapi bila pintu Kaabah nak di buka tak boleh. Sekejap sahaja datang Jibrail kepada Nabi membawa wahyu dari Allah. Al-Quran (An-Nisaa’:58)
Mahfumnya “Sesungguhnya Allah menyuruh kamu menyampaikan amanat kepada yang berhak menerimanya”
Nabi bagi balik kunci itu kepada Bani Syaibah, walaupun ketika itu Bani Syaibah belum Islam lagi. Rupa-rupanya bila bagi balik, Bani Syaibah kata mesti dia seorang nabi. Kalau dia bukan seorang nabi pasti dia gila kuasa kerana memegang kunci ini adalah satu penghormatan turun temurun. Bila kunci ini dipulangkan balik, ketua Bani Syaibah terbuka hatinya memeluk Islam kemudian semua pengikutnya memeluk Islam sehingga hari ini.
Budak kecil tadi dibawa tangannya untuk pegang kunci oleh bapanya kemudian di buka dan di tolak pintu itu. Saya lihat di depan saya. Berapa besar pintu itu? Berapa tebalnya? Pintu itu dibuat dari Solid Gold beratnya 8 tan. Dia tolak senang sahaja, kemudian kami masuk.
Mula-mula sekali saya pergi sembahyang di satu ruang belakang pintu Kaabah yang menghadap ke arah Hajaral Aswad (dari dalam) iaitu di bahagian Multazam. Selama sejam saya berada di dalam Kaabah itu.
Di dalam Kaabah itu masih ada lampu yang digunakan pada zaman nabi dahulu. Zaman Kerajaan Umaiyyah ditukar lampu lain seterusnya zaman Kerajaan Abasiyah juga tukar lampu. Apabila lampu di tukar, lampu yang lama di simpan di dalam Kaabah. Berpuluh-puluh atau mungkin beratus-ratus lampu lama ada disimpan di dalam itu.
Gambar Dalam Kaabah
Pengalaman kedua, saya membantu salah seorang yang terkaya di Saudi Arabia, multi-billionaire, semua projek di Saudi dia yang buat. Dia ada masalah keluarga mintak tolong saya ikhtiarkan. Allah nak tunjukkan bahawa masalah yang dihadapi itu telah terlalu lama, ada duit yang banyak pun tak boleh selesai.
Dia tunggu saya di airport Jeddah dengan jet peribadi. Saya tak pergi imigresen dia terus ambil saya dari tangga kapal terbang terus masuk ke jet dia. Sungguh kuat pengaruh dia, saya tanya passport saya bagaimana, tak ada masalah dia dah uruskan. Naik jet dia pergi ke Madinah. Saya selesaikan masalah dia dengan izin Allah SWT. Lepas itu biasalah adat orang Arab nak bagi itu nak bagi ini sebagai balasan.
Dalam Kaabah
Saya kata kepada dia, “Kalau kamu nak masalah itu selesai selama-lamanya dan tak berulang semula, jangan bagi pada aku apa-apa, kalau kamu bagi, aku boleh terima tetapi masalah itu akan berulang balik.”
Dia mintak maaf tetapi dia kata “Aku nak buat sesuatu untuk kamu apa yang kamu nak?”. Saya kata “Ok kalau begitu apa yang aku nak tolong bawak aku masuk ke dalam Kaabah.” Dia kata “Itu mudah sangat, esok pun aku boleh arah buka”. Saya kata “Tak apalah kamu arahlah”. Dia kata “Tak apa itu perkara kecil, mintak yang lain.” Saya kata “Tidak, itu paling besar pada saya. Kalau kamu boleh bawa masuk aku ke dalam Kaabah, itu sudah lebih daripada cukup.”
Akhirnya saya dapat masuk. Saya masuk dengan dia ke dalam Kaabah, itulah kenangan yang tak boleh saya lupa sampai hari ini.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The truthabout the holocaust in world war 2

The truth about the holocaust

While elaborating on our views about Jews and Judaism, we need to make special emphasis on the cruel genocide of European Jews by the Nazis during World War II.

The Policy of Cruelty Pursued by Nazis

Jewish inmates in Buchenwald, hungry, sick and traumatized under Nazi persecution.
Right after Nazis came to power in 1933, they started to pursue a ruthless policy of isolating and then removing the factors in the German society they found to be "harmful". The primary target of Nazi mass executions was the disabled and people with genetic disorders. Influenced by the thesis of "eugenics" developed by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel, Nazis regarded these people as parasites harmful to the gene structure of the German society and thus employed the most ruthless methods against these miserable people. The handicapped and those with genetic diseases were first rounded up in "sterilisation camps", sterilised and then began to be killed by the secret order of Hitler.

Meanwhile, Nazis were also subjecting the opponents of the regime to inhumane oppression. Many people with leftist or liberal stance, a lot of priests and clergymen were arrested only because of their ideas and were forced to work to death under severe conditions in Dachau camp, which was established at a location close to Munich.

Another group that was oppressed by the Nazis were the Jews in the country. The Jewish nation, who were tried to be presented as "the source of all evil on earth" and "parasites that harmed the German blood" by the Nazi ideologists like Hitler and Rosenberg, were subjected to an ever-increasing oppression. The stores owned by Jews were boycotted, feelings of hatred and enmity were instilled in the German people against Jews and the rights of Jews were restricted by laws.

Murders and Torture in Concentration Camps

In the meantime, first the Jews in Germany and Austria, then the Jews all over the Nazi occupied lands during the World War II were sent to concentration camps. However, not only the Jews but also people from different ethnical and religious identities such as gypsies, Slavs, Russian captives were sent to Auschwitz, Majdanek, Sobibor, Treblinka, Belzec, Chelmno camps, most of which were located in Poland and were forced to work under very hard conditions in German war industry.

However, the Nazi cruelty went far beyond the point of making people work as slaves. Jews and other captives were transported to Auschwitz and other concentration camps in locked wagons and during these long travels, a lot of old and weak people lost their lives out of hunger, thirst and crowd. People who arrived to the camps by trains were treated as animals and those who showed a minor resistance were executed before the very eyes of their families or children. In these camps, many families disunited.

Jewish children in Auschwitz, 1944.
The sadist Nazi officers showed no mercy and pity to captives; for years, these captives led their lives as slaves under the arbitrary Nazi insults, threats and torture. These innocent people were used as guinea pigs. For instance, Mengele, the notorious doctor of Auschwitz, is known to have carried out horrible tests on adults and children chosen among the inmates to explore the limits of human body. In bitter cold in winter, people soaked in icy water were used to observe how many minutes a person could survive before freezing. Mengele is known to have carried out anaesthesia-free operations on inmates; he amputated their legs, arms or even stomachs without anaesthesia. The cruelest experiments of Mengele were the ones carried out on twin inmates. Mengele isolated all twins from other inmates and conducted tests on them to observe the influence of genetic factors. However, his methods were incredibly cruel. By injecting their blood to one another, he traced the reactions of the twins; in most cases one of the twins or in some cases both of them, suffered severe pain and high fever. For instance, to see whether eye-colour could change by genetic factors, he injected ink to their eyes. These experiments resulted in unbearable pain and often in blindness. He injected microbes of various diseases to little children to measure their resistance to them. Many innocent children suffered great pain and torture in the hands of this Nazi monster, became disabled or lost their lives.

Millions of innocent people lost their lives in concentration camps due to the systematic Nazi murders by means of gassing, shooting, and torture of any kind. Among Jews were also gypsies, Slavs, Russians, war captives, and anti-Nazi Germans.

The Nazi brutality explained above briefly is an undeniable and explicit fact of history. Every person of conscience denounces Nazis who are responsible for this cruelty.

However, there is another aspect of the issue that needs to be considered:

  •  Those who were oppressed by the Nazi cruelty are not only the inmates of concentration camps. They are not only Jews as well. The World War II cost the lives of some 55 million people. Only the number of Soviet citizens who lost their lives during the war was about 25 million. Dozens of different nations and ethnical groups were subjected to the torture and cruelty of the Nazis and their fascist allies. Therefore, it would not be right to demand a special political compensation in the name of a single nation due to the sufferings of the World War II.
  • The fact that Jews were oppressed by Nazis cannot be used to justify and legitimise the cruelty inflicted on other nations (on Palestinians, for instance) by some Jews.

We place particular stress on these two issues, because the State of Israel and atheist Zionism, its official ideology, have been engaging in a misleading propaganda about these two issues for the last 50 years. They instil in the minds of people that the sole nation that was oppressed during the World War II was the Jews and that for this reason, people must see the cruelty inflicted by Jews on Palestinians as excusable.

Jews Who Oppose the Exploitation of the Holocaust

Millions of innocent people were slaughtered by the III. Reich. Jews and many other victims from different nations were buried in mass graves.
In recent years, this fact about the Holocaust has been expressed by Jews themselves. Esther Benbassa, the director of the Contemporary Jewish History Department of Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes in France, wrote in Liberation on September 1, 2000 that "the Jewish Holocaust has been turned into a religion" and added: "Putting oneself in the status of a victim secures every Jew against criticisms and thus also Israel against criticisms."

An important work that stresses the fact that the concept of the Jewish Holocaust has become a political and economic means of propaganda is, The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering, by historian Norman G. Finkelstein, a Jewish himself, from New York University. In his book published in 2000, Finkelstein, whose grandmother was also an inmate in Nazi concentration camps, explains that the concept of the Holocaust is being utterly exploited both by Israel and the Western Jewish organisations. As we know, international courts held in the wake of the World War II convicted Nazis of the crimes committed against Jews and charged them to pay huge amounts of compensation to them. For decades, Germany has been paying this compensation, which is expressed in billions of dollars, to Israel and other Jews living in different countries. Not only Germany but also other European countries, Switzerland for instance, and even the Eastern European countries that failed to help Jews during the Nazi occupation were several times charged with paying compensation to Jews oppressed by the Nazis.

Finkelstein, in his book, "The Holocaust Industry", states that these huge sums of money taken from Germany and similar governments were channelled to irreligious, Godless Zionist organisations rather than the Jews who were subjected to oppression during the war.

For instance, in recent years the Jewish organisations demanded a new compensation from Germany in return for the "service of Jews who were forced to work as slave-workers in Nazi camps". The number of Jews who were reported to take benefit from this payment was stated to be 135,000. However, relying on official statistics, Finkelstein declares that the number of living Jews who were forced to work in Nazi camps is not more than 14,000-18,000. The huge difference will be channelled to the atheist Zionist organisations under the guise of "compensation". (1)

Finkelstein also clearly expresses that in order to form and keep the Holocaust industry alive, Jewish organisations and, in some cases, some Jewish people commit numerous "frauds". According to the author: "Articulating the key Holocaust dogmas, much of the literature on Hitler's Final Solution is worthless as scholarship. Indeed, the field of Holocaust studies is replete with nonsense, if not sheer fraud." (2)


What has been related so far leads us to the following conclusion: Jews were subjected to a horrible genocide during the World War II by the Nazis. Millions of Jews -together with other people of different nations- became the target of Nazi brutality. We denounce this violence and want that neither Jews nor anyone from any other nation ever receive such hostile and cruel treatment.

However, using the fact of the Holocaust with the purpose of legitimising the crimes committed by atheist Zionism and the State of Israel against humanity, or in the words of the Jewish author Finkelstein, "exploiting" them, is rather wrong. History witnessed numerous genocides or massacres carried out against many nations. We must curse all of them and pay equal respect to the victims of all these nations.


1-Norman G. Finkelstein, The Holocaust Industry, Verso Press, New York, 2000. s. 126
2-Norman G. Finkelstein, The Holocaust Industry, s. 55

Lauren Booth reverted to Islam

Kakak ipar Tony Blair, Lauren Booth masuk Islam.
Adik ipar mantan Perdana Menteri Inggris Tony Blair, Lauren Booth telah masuk Islam setelah memiliki pengalaman suci 'di Iran.

DailyMail online melaporkan, Penyiar dan jurnalis Lauren Booth, 43 – adik ipar Blair-sekarang memakai jilbab yang menutupi kepala setiap kali dia meninggalkan rumah nya, Sholat lima waktu sehari dan mengunjungi masjid setempat 'kapan pun bila ada kesempatan'.

Dia memutuskan untuk menjadi seorang Muslim enam minggu lalu setelah mengunjungi kuil Fatima al-Masumeh di kota Qom.

"Ini adalah malam Selasa dan saya duduk dan merasa ini suntikan morfin spiritual, hanya kebahagiaan mutlak dan sukacita," kata dia seperti dilaporkan The Mail pada hari Minggu.

Ketika ia kembali ke Inggris, dia memutuskan untuk segera mengucapkan dua kalimat Shahadah berikrar masuk menjadi penganut Islam.

"Sekarang Saya tidak makan babi dan saya membaca Alquran setiap hari. Aku sudah membaca Al-Qur’an sudah sampai di halaman 60. Saya juga sudah 45 hari ini minum yang mengandung alkohol, suatu periode terpanjang dalam 25 tahun terakhir, "katanya.

'Hal yang aneh adalah bahwa sejak saya memutuskan untuk masuk Islam, saya tidak ingin menyentuh alkohol, dan padahal sebelumnya aku adalah seseorang yang mendambakan segelas anggur atau dua pada akhir hari. "

Ditanya, apakah dia akan kemungkinan bahwa ia mengenakan burka, dia berkata: "Siapa yang tahu di mana perjalanan rohani saya akan membawa saya?"

Sebelum revolusi Islam di Iran, ia telah 'bersimpatik' dengan Islam dan telah menghabiskan banyak waktu bekerja di Palestina. 'Saya selalu terkesan dengan kekuatan dan kenyamanan yang saya rasakan setelah saya beragama Islam, "kata dia.

Miss Booth, yang bekerja untuk Press TV, saluran berita berbahasa Inggris Iran, telah menjadi lawan vokal perang di Irak.

Pada bulan Agustus 2008 ia pergi ke Gaza oleh kapal dari Siprus, bersama dengan 46 aktivis lainnya, untuk menyoroti blokade Israel atas wilayah itu.

Dia kemudian ditolak masuk ke Israel dan Mesir.

Pada tahun 2006 dia adalah kontestan di reality show ITV I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Dari sini, menyumbangkan biaya ke badan amal Interpal lega Palestina!.

Ia mengatakan ia berharap masuknya dia ke agama Islam akan membantu mengubah praduga Blair tentang Islam.

Selama kunjungan ke Iran bulan lalu, Booth menulis surat publik untuk Blair meminta dia untuk menandai Al-Quds (Yerusalem) hari - protes di pendudukan Israel di Palestina.

Surat itu adalah serangan pahit pada mantan Perdana Menteri, yang sekarang menjadi utusan Timur Tengah bekerja untuk perdamaian di wilayah yang kini masih bermasalah.

"Para pria, wanita dan anak-anak sekitar saya bertahan satu hari tidak ada air dan makanan (itu disebut Ramadhan, Tony, itu cepat)," tulis Booth.

'Mengatasi dengan lapar dan haus di panas seratus derajat, seolah-olah itu apa-apa. Mereka bisa menahan kekurangan di dunia Muslim.

Booth pindah ke Prancis bersama keluarganya - suami Craig Darby dan dua putri Alexandra dan Holly di tahun 2004.

Suaminya terluka parah dalam kecelakaan sepeda motor pada bulan April 2009 ketika ia mabuk dan tidak mengenakan helm.

Dia menderita cedera otak parah, leher retak, kerusakan tulang belakang dan beberapa patah tulang rusuk dan berada dalam koma yang mendalam selama dua minggu.

Pasangan itu memutuskan untuk pindah kembali ke Inggris untuk membantu pemulihan dan mengurangi jumlah waktu Booth harus bekerja jauh dari rumah.

Booth mengambil bagian dalam I'm A Celebrity ... Dapatkan Met Keluar dari sini! pada tahun 2006 bersama Myleene Klass dan Jason Donovan, finishing kesembilan.

Terrorism, Darwinsim & Materialism " people of the book " & the Muslims

Terrorism, Darwinism & Materialism ''people of the book'' & the Muslims

Most people think the theory of evolution was first proposed by Charles Darwin, and rests on scientific evidence, observations and experiments. However, in the same way that Darwin was not its originator neither does the theory rest on scientific proof. The theory consists of an adaptation to nature of an ancient dogma called materialist philosophy. Although it is backed up by no scientific evidence, the theory is blindly supported in the name of materialist philosophy.
This fanaticism has resulted in many of disasters. That is because together with the spread of Darwinism and the materialist philosophy it supports, the answer to the question 'What is a human being?' has changed. People who used to answer: 'Human beings were created by God and have to live according to the morality He teaches' have now begun to think that 'Man came into being by chance, and is an animal who developed with the fight for survival.' There is a heavy price to pay for this great deception. Violent ideologies such as racism, fascism and communism, and many other cruel world views based on conflict have all drawn strength from this deception.
This article will examine this disaster Darwinism has brought to the world and reveal its connection with terrorism, one of the most important global problems of our time.
The Darwinist Misconception: 'Life is conflict'
Darwin set out with one basic premise when developing his theory: 'The development of living things depends on the fight for survival. The strong win the struggle. The weak are condemned to defeat and oblivion.'
According to Darwin, there was a ruthless struggle for survival and eternal conflict in nature. The strong always overcome the weak, and this enables development to take place. The subtitle he gave to his book The Origin of Species, "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life", encapsulates that view.
Furthermore, Darwin proposed that the 'fight for survival' also applied between human races. According to that claim, 'favored races' were victorious in the struggle. Favored races, in Darwin's view, were white Europeans. African or Asian races had lagged behind in the struggle for survival. Darwin went further, and suggested that these races would soon lose the 'struggle for survival' entirely, and thus disappear:
At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes … will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla. [1]
The Indian anthropologist Lalita Vidyarthi explains how Darwin's theory of evolution imposed racism on the social sciences:
His (Darwin's) theory of the survival of the fittest was warmly welcomed by the social scientists of the day, and they believed mankind had achieved various levels of evolution culminating in the white man's civilization. By the second half of the nineteenth century racism was accepted as fact by the vast majority of Western scientists. [2]
Darwin's Source of Inspiration: Malthus's Theory of Ruthlessness

Darwin was influenced by the social theories of Malthus, who defined ruthlessness as a law of nature.
Darwin's source of inspiration on this subject was the British economist Thomas Malthus's book An Essay on the Principle of Population. Left to their own devices, Malthus calculated that the human population increased rapidly. In his view, the main influences that kept populations under control were disasters such as war, famine and disease. In short, according to this brutal claim, some people had to die for others to live. Existence came to mean 'permanent war.'
In the 19th century, Malthus's ideas were widely accepted. European upper class intellectuals in particular supported his cruel ideas. In an article titled 'The Nazis' Secret Scientific Agenda', the importance 19th century attached Europe attached to Malthus's views on population is described in this way:
In the opening half of the nineteenth century, throughout Europe, members of the ruling classes gathered to discuss the newly discovered "Population problem" and to devise ways of implementing the Malthusian mandate, to increase the mortality rate of the poor: "Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the country we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlements in all marshy and unwholesome situations," and so forth and so on. [3]
As a result of this cruel policy, the weak, and those who lost the struggle for survival would be eliminated, and as a result the rapid rise in population would be balanced out. This so-called 'oppression of the poor' policy was actually carried out in 19th century Britain. An industrial order was set up in which children of eight and nine were made to work sixteen hours a day in the coal mines and thousands died from the terrible conditions. The 'struggle for survival' demanded by Malthus's theory led to millions of Britons leading lives full of suffering.
Influenced by these ideas, Darwin applied this concept of conflict to all of nature, and proposed that the strong and the fittest emerged victorious from this war of existence. Moreover, he claimed that the so-called struggle for survival was a justified an unchangeable law of nature. On the other hand, he invited people to abandon their religious beliefs by denying creation, and thus aimed at all ethical values that could prove an obstacle to the ruthlessness of the 'struggle for survival.'
The dissemination of these untrue ideas that led individuals to ruthlessness and cruelty, cost humanity a heavy price in the 20thcentury.
The Role of Darwinism in Preparing the Ground for World War I
As Darwinism dominated European culture, the effects of the 'struggle for survival' began to emerge. Colonialist European nations in particular began to portray the nations they colonized as 'evolutionary backward nations' and looked to Darwinism for justification.
The bloodiest political effect of Darwinism was the outbreak of World War I in 1914.
In his book Europe Since 1870, the well-known British professor of history James Joll explains that one of the factors that prepared the ground for World War I was the belief in Darwinism of European rulers at the time. For instance, the Austro-Hungarian chief of staff, Franz Baron Conrad von Hoetzendorff, wrote in his post-war memoirs:
Philanthropic religions, moral teachings and philosophical doctrines may certainly sometimes serve to weaken mankind's struggle for existence in its crudest form, but they will never succeed in removing it as a driving motive of the world… It is in accordance with this great principle that the catastrophe of the world war came about as the result of the motive forces in the lives of states and peoples, like a thunderstorm which must by its nature discharge itself. [4]

The leaders of Europe on the eve of World War I were mislead by the Social Darwinist dogma. They thought that war was a biological necessity.
It is not hard to understand why Conrad, with that ideological foundation, should have encouraged the Austro-Hungarian Empire to declare war. Such ideas at the time were not limited to the military. Kurt Riezler, the personal assistant and confidant of the German chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg, wrote in 1914: 'Eternal and absolute enmity is fundamentally inherent in relations between peoples; and the hostility which we observe everywhere… is not the result of a perversion of human nature but is the essence of the world and the source of life itself.' [5]
Friedrich von Bernardi, a World War I general, made a similar connection between war and the laws of war in nature. "War" declared Bernhardi "is a biological necessity"; it "is as necessary as the struggle of the elements of nature"; it "gives a biologically just decision, since its decisions rest on the very nature of things." [6]
As we have seen, World War I broke out because of European thinkers, generals and administrators who saw warfare, bloodshed and suffering as a kind of 'development', and thought they were an unchanging 'law of nature', The ideological root that dragged all of that generation to destruction was nothing else than Darwin's concepts of the 'struggle for survival' and 'favored races'.
World War I left behind it 8 million dead, hundreds of ruined cities, and millions of wounded, crippled, homeless and unemployed.
The basic cause of World War II, which broke out 21 years later and left 55 million dead behind it, was also based on Darwinism.
The Fruit of 'The Law of the Jungle': Fascism
As Darwinism fed racism in the 19th century, it formed the basis of an ideology that would develop and drown the world in blood in the 20thcentury: Nazism.

Both the race theory and the war hysteria of the Nazis were inspired from Darwinism.
A strong Darwinist influence can be seen in Nazi ideologues. When one examines this theory, which was given shape by Adolf Hitler and Alfred Rosenberg, one comes across such concepts as 'natural selection', 'selected mating', and 'the struggle for survival between the races', which are repeated dozens of time in The Origin of Species. When calling his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle), Hitler was inspired by the Darwinist struggle for survival and the principle that victory went to the fittest. He particularly talks about the struggle between the races:
'History would culminate in a new millennial empire of unparalleled splendor, based on a new racial hierarchy ordained by nature herself.'[7]
In the 1933 Nuremberg party rally, Hitler proclaimed that "a higher race subjects to itself a lower race… a right which we see in nature and which can be regarded as the sole conceivable right."
That the Nazis were influenced by Darwinism is a fact that many historians accept. The historian Hickman describes Darwinism's influence on Hitler as follows:
(Hitler) was a firm believer and preacher of evolution. Whatever the deeper, profound, complexities of his psychosis, it is certain that [the concept of struggle was important because] … his book, Mein Kampf, clearly set forth a number of evolutionary ideas, particularly those emphasizing struggle, survival of the fittest and the extermination of the weak to produce a better society. [8]
Hitler, who emerged with these views, dragged the world to violence that had never before been seen. Many ethnic and political groups, and especially the Jews, were exposed to terrible cruelty and slaughter in the Nazi concentration camps. World War II, which began with the Nazi invasion, cost 55 million lives. What lay behind the greatest tragedy in world history was Darwinism's concept of the 'struggle for survival'.
The Bloody Alliance: Darwinism and Communism

The dialectical materialism of Marx defined violence as a constructive force that helped human progress.
While fascists are found on the right wing of Social Darwinism, the left wing is occupied by communists. Communists have always been among the fiercest defenders of Darwin's theory.
This relationship between Darwinism and communism goes right back to the founders of both these 'isms.' Marx and Engels, the founders of communism, read Darwin's The Origin of Species as soon as it came out, and were amazed at is 'dialectical materialist' attitude. The correspondence between Marx and Engels showed that they saw Darwin's theory as 'containing the basis in natural history for communism'. In his book The Dialectics of Nature, which he wrote under the influence of Darwin, Engels was full of praise for Darwin, and tried to make his own contribution to the theory in the chapter 'The Part Played by Labor in the Transition from Ape to Man.'
Russian communists who followed in the footsteps of Marx and Engels, such as Plekhanov, Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin, all agreed with Darwin's theory of evolution. Plekhanov, who is considered as the founder of Russian communism, regarded marxism as 'Darwinism in its application to social science'. [9]
Trotsky said, 'Darwin's discovery is the highest triumph of the dialectic in the whole field of organic matter.' [10]
'Darwinist education' had a major role in the formation of communist cadres. For instance, historians note the fact that Stalin was religious in his youth, but became an atheist because of Darwin's books. [11]
Mao, who established communist rule in China and killed millions of people, openly stated that 'Chinese socialism is founded upon Darwin and the theory of evolution.' [12]
The Harvard University historian James Reeve Pusey goes into great detail regarding Darwinism's effect on Mao and Chinese communism in his research book China and Charles Darwin. [13]
In short, there is an unbreakable link between the theory of evolution and communism. The theory claims that living things are the product of blind chance, and provides a so-called scientific support for atheism. Communism, an atheist ideology, is for that reason firmly tied to Darwinism. Moreover, the theory of evolution proposes that development in nature is possible thanks to conflict (in other words 'the struggle for survival') and supports the concept of 'dialectics' which is fundamental to communism.
If we think of the communist concept of 'dialectical conflict', which killed some 120 million people throughout the 20thcentury, as a 'killing machine' then we can better understand the dimension of the disaster that Darwinism visited on our planet.
Darwinism and Terrorism
As we have so far seen, Darwinism is at the root of various ideologies of violence that spelled disaster to mankind in the 20thcentury. However, as well as these ideologies, Darwinism also defines an 'ethical understanding' and 'method' that could influence various world views. The fundamental concept behind this understanding and method is 'fighting those who are not one of us'.
We can explain this in the following way: There are different beliefs, worldviews and philosophies in the world. These can look at each other in one of two ways:
1) They can respect the existence of those who are not one of them and try to establish dialogue with them, employing a humane method.
2) They can choose to fight others, and to try to secure an advantage by damaging them, in other words, behave like a wild animal.
The horror we call terrorism is nothing other than a statement of the second view.

The faith in the legitimacy of terror comes from materialist ideologies, not Theistic faiths.
When we consider the difference between these two approaches, we can see that the idea of "man as a fighting animal" which Darwinism has subconsciously imposed on people is particularly influential. Individuals and groups who choose the way of conflict may never have heard of Darwinism and the principles of that ideology. But in the final analysis, they agree with a view whose philosophical basis rests on Darwinism. What leads them to believe in the rightness of violence is such Darwinism-based slogans as;
'In this world, only the strong survive',
'Big fish swallow the little ones',
'War is a virtue',
and 'Man advances by waging war'.
Take Darwinism away, and these are nothing but empty slogans.
Actually, when Darwinism is taken away, no philosophy of 'conflict' remains. The three monotheistic religions that most people in the world believe in, Islam, Christianity and Judaism, all oppose violence. All three religions wish to bring peace and harmony to the world, and oppose innocent people being killed and suffering cruelty and torture. Conflict and violence violate the morality that God has set out for man, and are abnormal and undesired concepts. However, Darwinism sees and portrays conflict and violence as natural, justified and correct concepts that have to exist.
For this reason, if some people commit terrorism using the concepts and symbols of Islam, Christianity and Judaism in the name of those religions, you can be sure that those people are not Muslims, Christians or Jews. They are in fact Social Darwinists. They hide under a cloak of religion, but they are not genuine believers. Even if they claim to be serving religion, they are actually enemies of religion and believers. That is because they are ruthlessly committing a crime that religion forbids, and in such a way as to blacken religion in peoples' eyes.
For this reason, the root of the terrorism that plagues our world is not in any of the monotheistic religions, but is in atheism, and the expression of atheism in our times: 'Darwinism' and 'materialism'.

1- Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, 2nd edition, New York, A L. Burt Co., 1874, p. 178
2- Lalita Prasad Vidyarthi, Racism, Science and Pseudo-Science, Unesco, France, Vendôme, 1983. s. 54
3- Theodore D. Hall, The Scientific Background of the Nazi Race Purification Program,
4- James Joll, Europe Since 1870: An International History, Penguin Books, Middlesex, 1990, s. 164
5- James Joll, Europe Since 1870: An International History, Penguin Books, Middlesex, 1990, s. 164
6- M.F. Ashley-Montagu, Man in Process (New York: World. Pub. Co. 1961) pp. 76, 77 cited in Bolton Davidheiser, W E Lammers (ed) Scientific Studies in Special Creationism, 1971, p. 338-339
7- L.H. Gann, "Adolf Hitler, The Complete Totalitarian", The Intercollegiate Review, Fall 1985, p. 24; cited in Henry M. Morris, The Long war Against God, Baker Book House, 1989, p. 78
8- Hickman, R., Biocreation, Science Press, Worthington, OH, pp. 51-52, 1983; Jerry Bergman, "Darwinism and the Nazi Race Holocaust", Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 13 (2): 101-111, 1999
9- Robert M. Young DARWINIAN EVOLUTION AND HUMAN HISTORY, Historical Studies on Science and Belief, 1980
10- Alan Woods and Ted Grant. "Marxism and Darwinism", Reason in Revolt: Marxism and Modern Science, London, 1993
11- Alex de Jonge, Stalin and The Shaping of the Soviet Uninon, William Collins Sons & Limited Co., Glasgow, 1987, s. 22
12- Mehnert, Kampf um Mao's Erbe, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1977
13- James Reeve Pusey, China and Charles Darwin, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1983
Jul 03, 2005